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Quadrocopter AQ50D – Denges FPV 6

Testing low passes under trees with this great FC

Music by The Cure « A forest »
FC from multicopter.ch (AQ50D FH-X46)
Motors E MAX CF 2822, ESC HK 18-20A, Gaui 330 propellers, lipo Turnigy nano-tech 3S 2.2A
Spektrum dx6i, gopro onboard switzerland vaud Denges

Quadrocopter AQ50D – Lonay – FPV 5

Music by Netsky « Pirate Bay »
Board from multicopter.ch (AQ50D FH-X46)
Motors E MAX CF 2822, ESC HK 18-20A, Gaui 330 propellers, lipo Turnigy nano-tech 3S 2.2A
Spektrum dx6i, gopro onboard switzerland vaud